Bent (2)名字怎么讀:
Bent (2)讀 ,
Bent (2)的中文名:
Bent (2)英文名什么意思:BEN的弗里斯蘭變體(2)。
Bent (2)情侶英文名: Ajna 阿娜 、 Ajnur 阿尤努爾 、 Ajooni 阿久尼 、 Ajwa 阿杰瓦 、 Aka 阿卡 、 Akachi
Bent (2)相似英文名: Ballantine 巴蘭坦 、 Ballantyne 巴蘭坦 、 Ballard 芭拉德 、 Ballas 巴拉斯 、 Ballaster 巴拉斯特 、 Ballbo 巴爾博
Bent (2)適合的中文名: 秀第 、 儀夫 、 雨佘 、 歡苑 、 含賠 、 駿珂 、 洎語 、 壹枝 、 君枝 、 藍(lán)屹
去根據(jù)中文名起英文名 >>Bent (2)英文名給老外感覺:Bent (2)英文名在外國人眼里是一個男性占比多,給人感覺好名字、現(xiàn)代、正統(tǒng)、常見的的好名字
以下是老外對英文名Bent (2)的看法,并把英文翻譯成中文,讓大家知道 Bent (2) 英文名外國人眼中是什么樣的真實(shí)看法和感受!
寓意:可能意味著從老英語beo“bee”和wulf“wolf”的“bee wolf”(實(shí)際上等于“bear”)。這是匿名的8世紀(jì)史詩“Beowulf”中主要人物的名字。在丹麥,這首詩告訴他如何殺死怪物格倫德爾和他的母親在國王Hroegar的要求。此后Beowulf成為了蓋茨的國王。這首詩的結(jié)論告訴了Beawulf,在他的年齡,殺了一條龍,但自己在行動中受傷了。
譯 這個孩子正在等待著玩得開心!
譯 Bent在西弗里西亞(位于荷蘭)和北弗里西亞(位于德國)用作一個男性名字 - 但也在荷蘭和德國本身(通常由非弗里斯蘭語的父母,只是對弗里斯蘭人的愛)
To get a slight idea about the frequency of this name, see the two links below (assuming you know where West Frisia and North Frisia are located in both countries): (West Frisia) (North Frisia)
Note that in the link provided for West Frisia, the popularity rankings listed reflect The Netherlands as a whole, not the province of Friesland (i.e. West Frisia) only. However, some Frisian first names are so typically Frisian, that they are hardly used outside Friesland, so then it *is* possible to get a pretty good idea of how common they are in Friesland. The thing is, though, one would have to be a Dutchman knowledgeable about Frisian names, or a Frisian living in Friesland or elsewhere in The Netherlands, to gauge which Frisian name is hardly used outside Friesland (and thus whether its popularity rankings on the website of The Meertens Instituut mostly reflect those of Friesland). But unfortunately, I cannot tell you much about whether the popularity rankings for Bent mostly reflect those of Friesland: it's not a very common name, and I'm not really familiar with it. Researching the name at Dutch on-line social networking communities seems to indicate, that there's a somewhat even balance between Frisian-born Bents and Dutch-born Bents, so at best I can say that the name's popularity is equal in Friesland as it is in the rest of The Netherlands (that is, rather uncommon).
For the German link, please note that the link does not make a distinction in gender when it comes to the name's popularity - so it's impossible to tell how many of those Bents are actually male, and how many of them are actually female (as Bent could possibly be a short form of Bent(h)e in their case). The male and female bearers have simply been lumped together. Also, in Germany, Bent is also sometimes used as a short form for Benedict - unfortunately, one cannot see in the popularity rankings when Bent as a Frisian name is used, or when Bent is used as a German short form for Benedict (since the popularity rankings don't make a distinction between origins; again, everything is lumped together).